Desalination is emerging as a promising alternative among various technologies to resolve water shortage. However, desalination requires a sufficient energy and cooling device and therefore poses limitations for its installation and application. In particular, many countries suffering water deficits are economically underdeveloped and cannot afford the technology. As this technology, which changes seawater into freshwater, has little environmental impact, developed countries will need to assist less developed countries to introduce this technology as a humanitarian effort. This will help reduce the number of countries that have experienced difficulty with development.
Problems with clean water in coastal areas alongside an increase in population and community economic activities have diversified community activities.Coastal settlements bordering the high seas are characterized as arid areas with a lack of clean water.Here,the use of the range groundwater supply against seawater intrusion means that the water consumed by the community tastes salty and brackish.The availability of abundant seawater,processed through desalination technology,can be used to meet the daily clean water needs of coastal communities.Sustainable development goal(SDG)6 Water and Sanitation is concerned with ensuring that everyone has access to clean water and sanitation.In this regard,desalination technology is considered viable to achieve the SDGs in the environmental sector.Some countries have focused on using desalination technology to achieve target 6.4 by 2030.This goal aims to improve the efficiency of water use to reduce the number of people experiencing clean water scarcity by ensuring a sustainable supply of fresh water.The objective of this study is to examine the application of seawater desalination technology for clean water in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia(KSA)and Indonesia,and identify the implications of desalination policies in these countries.Comparative studies were conducted using secondary data and literature studies on transforming seawater into clean water with technology.KSA applies seawater desalination technology to meet water needs.However,in Indonesia,policymaking has not holistically examined the potential of using seawater desalination technology for clean water.Until now,unlike in the KSA,Indonesia has not addressed the importance of the use of desalination technology in state policy.
Nur Khafifah RusniDwita SutjiningsihHayati Sari HasibuanRaldi Hendro Kostoer