A post- colonial reading of the story of Man- Man from Miguel Street by V.S. Nailpaul in the light of Homi K.Bhabha's views about mimicry reveals that to some extent mimicry in Naipaul's post-colonial writing reflects the double edged effect of mimicry discussed by Bhabha, but is more associated with the hopelessness and predicament suffered by the once colonized than the resistance to the authority of the colonizer.
《道德经》本身蕴含高深哲学理念,吸引无数东西方学者不断对其做出新的阐释。当代著名学者、美国哈佛大学亚洲中心访问学者杨鹏先生2016年于美国出版英译本Dao De Jing,在文化翻译的大背景下,赋予《道德经》新的文化内涵。以往《道德经》英译对比研究多集中在译介历史及其发展过程,或借翻译理论探讨译本翻译技巧策略。本文以杨鹏翻译的Dao De Jing为主要研究对象,与美国另两大通行版本S.Mitchell的Tao Te Jing、林语堂翻译的Tao Te Ching对比,把研究重点放在《道德经》深厚文化底蕴的转换上,探究三位译者对《道德经》丰富文化和哲理思想传递的具体差异及形成原因。