提出一种简便高效的测定熔盐电导率的新方法——管式电导池法.该方法采用热解氮化硼管自制电导池,以钨丝作为工作电极,石墨作为对电极,采用阻抗仪测定n Na F·Al F3-Al2O3-Ca F2熔盐的电阻,并与Wang经验公式和Choudhary经验公式计算所得电导率数据进行比较.结果表明,自制的管式电导池法所测得数据与经验公式计算得数据相近,并且有较好的准确性和重现性.管式电导池法是一种准确度高、结构简单、造价便宜、能扩大应用范围测定熔盐电导率的有效测试手段.
The electrical conductivity of NaF-AlF3-CaF2-Al2O3-ZrO2 system was studied by a tube-type cell with fixed cell constant. The results show that the electrical conductivity of NaF-AlF3-3%Al2O3-3%CaF2-ZrO2 molten salt system decreases with increase of ZrO2 content in an interval of 0-5%. The increase of 1%ZrO2 results in a corresponding electrical conductivity decrease of 0.02 S/cm, and the equivalent conductivity increases with the increase of molar ratio of NaF to AlF3. When the temperature increases by 1 °C, the electrical conductivity increases by 0.004 S/cm. At last, the regression equations of electrical conductivity relative to temperature and ZrO2 are obtained by quadratic regression analysis.