用溶剂热方法制备Co_xFe_(3-x)O_4(0≤x≤1)亚微米球,可看作不同比例Fe_3O_4和CoFe2O4的混合物。实验发现:当原料中钴铁原子比为1∶1、1∶2、1∶4和0时,反应得到的球分别为CoFe_2O_4、Co_(0.9)Fe_(2.1)O_4、Co_(0.73)Fe_(2.27)O_4和Fe_3O_4。Fe_3O_4与石蜡混合物(质量分数75wt%)厚度为5.5 mm时,反射率最低为-38 d B,对应频率为4 GHz;Co_(0.9)Fe_(2.1)O_4与石蜡混合物在3~14 GHz频率范围内介电损耗大于磁损耗,计算出来的反射率分贝值(-41.1 d B,12.08GHz,2 mm)低于相关报道。比较四种成分的钴铁氧体球可以看出:当x值不同时,由于成分Fe_3O_4和CoFe_2O_4的自然共振频率不同,引起磁性能随微波频率发生变化,而且由于二价铁离子被钴离子取代,结晶性也发生改变,进而改变了材料的介电和吸波性能。
Open-cell nickel foams with different relative densities and pre-stretching degrees were subjected to room temperature quasi-static compressive tests to explore their compressive properties. The compressive properties of the nickel foams including yield strength, elastic modulus, energy absorption density and energy absorption efficiency were calculated accurately. The results show that the compressive properties of yield strength, elastic modulus and energy absorption density increase with the increase of relative density of nickel foams. The compressive properties are sensitive to the pre-stretching degree, and the values of yield strength, elastic modulus and energy absorption density decrease with the increase of pre-stretching degree. However, the energy absorption efficiency at the densification strain state exhibits the independence of relative density and pre-stretching degree. The value of energy absorption efficiency reaches its peak when the strain is at the end of the collapse plateau region.