Based on the GIS technology, CITYgreen computer model was used in this paper to estimate ecological benefits of urban forest in the park of Hefei city.It used this technology to make an analysis on urban forest ecological benefits. The research discussed how to use the technology of CITYgreen model developed in USA to account urban forest benefits in China. The results showed that forests in Xiaoyao Jin Park occupied about 52.62% of park land area and Xinghua Park13.00% respectively, indicating that Xiaoyaojin Park is dominated by large trees such as arbors, and Xinghua Park dominated by laws, with low coverage. Besides,the comprehensive eco-benefits of Xiaoyaojin Park and Xinghua Park were 5.150 3and 1.354 3 million yuan and per unit area eco-benefits were 144 000 and 47 400yuan/hm^2, which indicated that Xiaoyaojin Park makes the greatest contribution in ecological benefits.