The years of Zhengzhou Shang city and of Yanshi Shang city both belong to Erligangperiod. The initial dates when they were built are different. The beginning time ofZhengzhou Shang city belongs to Erligeng C1H9 period, and that of Yanshi Shang citybelongs to C1H17period which is later than the age of C1H9. The inner wall of Yanshi Shangcity was broken to certain extent by the outer wall, but the upper limit of the age of theformer is still nuclear, so we expect it to be solved. The cultural connotation ofXiaoshuangqiao site has already been of the characters and conditions of a metropolis ruins.Connecting with the abandoning time of Zhengzhou Shang city, the cultural years ofXiaoshuangqiao site belongs to Baijiazhuang period, the geographical position of the sitecorresponds to the recorded locality of capital Ac (敖) of Shang dynasty, and there are someYueshi culture factors in the cultural connotation of the site, which reflects the historicalcontents of Zhongding’s expedition to Lanyi (蓝夷) nation, the site should be the ruins ofcapital Ac. The relationship between Zhengzhou Shang city and the Xiao shuangqiao site iswhat between the capital Bo and the capital Ao.