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作品数:3 被引量:38H指数:3


  • 3篇中文期刊文章


  • 3篇天文地球
  • 1篇交通运输工程


  • 2篇水文
  • 2篇水文特征
  • 2篇水文特征分析
  • 2篇泥沙
  • 2篇泥沙运动
  • 1篇日潮
  • 1篇黄河
  • 1篇黄河口
  • 1篇黄河三角洲
  • 1篇海岸
  • 1篇海岸地貌
  • 1篇海区
  • 1篇港址
  • 1篇港址选择
  • 1篇半日潮
  • 1篇沉积环境


  • 3篇山东海洋学院


  • 3篇侍茂崇
  • 3篇赵进平
  • 1篇王喜瑞


  • 3篇山东海洋学院...


  • 3篇1985
3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
The Huanghe River is the second largest river in our country. The average annual runoff at the estuary is 44.28 billion cubic meters, the average annual suspended load is 1.12 billion tons, of which 24% was deposited on the delta, 40% on the coast and the rest 36% is considered to be carried into the deep sea by various dynamic factors. We've measured the temperature, salinity, current and suspended load in the estuary from autumn of 1983 to summer of 1984 for building a harbour in future. According to our data and other historical data from some institutes, we've obtained following conclusions: 1) The distribution of temperature in winter is different with from that in summer: the contours of temperature in winter is parallel to coast line,and the contours of temperature in summer is coincident with latitudes. 2) The salinity in summer is lower than that in winter. There are three tongues of low values of salinity at the estuary in summer. They are pointed to North,North-east and South-east respectively. Only two tongues are appeared in winter-northward and south-eastward. 3) The distribution of suspended load is similar to the distribution of salinity,There are three tongues of high values of suspended load at the estuary in summer, they are pointed to North,North-east and Southeast respectively,the quantity of suspended load per litre in winter is much than in summer. 4) The influence of Huanghe River to North area of the estuary is less than to Laichou Bay. 5) The velocities of tide current at the estuary are very large.The maximum value is about 150era/see, and the directions of tide current are parallel to coastline.
It’s very important to study the transportation of suspended matter for the coats engineering. We have to understand the quantity and direction of the movement of suspended matter for studying the change of coast and deposit of sediment on the sea bed. For this porpose we have measured the currents and the quantity of suspended matter near the section B in different seasons since 1983.According to data and calculation, we’ve got the following conclusions: 1) The quantity of suspended matter transported by tidal current through the section B is about 19.6 million tons each year, but the transportation, quantity is the same in both direction of flood tide and ebb tide. 2) The quantity of suspended matter removed by residual current is about 8.57 million tons each year, the direction of tran.spotation points to north'west. 3) The transportation quantity of suspended matter due to the winddriven current in. storm weather is about 0.95 million, tons each year,the direction of transportation points to south.
It is very important to study the nontidal region, because characteristics in this area are very useful to us, for example, the tide range is small and the tide current is very strong. Suspended load isn’t easy to deposite and the bed load is easy to move along the sea bed. Since 1936 many scientists think that there is a nontidal point M2 in the old eatuary (38°-38°10′N, 119°-119°20′E), and have determined the location of nontidal point. According to our observation, it isn’t a nontidal point but a nontidal line. This line is located near the section B.On the 15th day of lunar calendar this line is just located at section B, and in other days this line moves toward section A, but does’nt arrive in seetion A. The tide data that,have been observed on coast tide stations give eloquent proof of fact of nontidal line. In this region of near nontidal line the current speed is more than 90cm/sec., and the maximum is 120cm/sec. The minimum of tide range is about 30cm and the maximum is about 100cm. During the flood tide the current direction is south-east, and north-weat during the ebb tide. The residual current speed on section B is about 0.2 knot,and flow into north-west.