Of all cases of intractable hiccup, 30 cases were treated by nose acupuncture, and 30 cases treated by body acupuncture were used as control group. Results showed that the effect of nose acupuncture was better than that of body acupuncture, and the treating course in nose acupuncture was also shorter than that of body acupuncture group, particular1y the number of cases which were cured by one treat ment (P <0. 05). In nose acupuncture group, chest point was chosen, the point has the function of ventilating the lung and regulating the stomach function, relieving stuffiness of the chest and regulat ing Qi of chest, lowing down the upward adverse flow of Qi and stopping hiccup. Comparing with body acupuncture, the author thinks that nose acupuncture has the advantage of less points to be used, easier to manipulate, more acceptable by patients, and more effective. So, in cIinical practice, the method should be chosen