To get high flower production of tuberose,growing media and NPK fertilizer proportion was determined accurately by polynomial regression quadratic equation (PRQE) in four elements.The partial derivatives from polynomial regression equation ( 6) was utilized for estimating the maximum production of tuberose flower.Results revealed coding level X 1=-1 695, X 2=-1 122 ,X 3=0 311 and X 4=1 151,which are converted into doses of trial factors,are KD-1-Hydrophilic gel/sandy-soil (HG/SS)=0 652%,(NH 4) 2SO 4=14 39 (g·m -3 ),Ca(H 2PO 4) 2·H 2O=25 75 (g·m -3 ) ,and K 2SO 4=25 89 (g·m -3 ).Therefore, max =28 79 (number of flower·m -2 ).Results revealed that plant height was significantly influenced by the application of three major nutrients.However,number of leaves/plant increased non-significantly with the increasing level of NPK and HG/SS.Number of bulks/clump was also influenced by N,P and K as well as HG/SS.Application of higher levels of NPK showed profound effect on increasing flower production (number of spikes·m -2 ),and number of florets/spike.Therefore,higher doses of NPK are recommended for higher production of flower.