由中国石油学会石油工程分会、中国化工学会新材料专业委员会、中国化学会高分子材料专业委员会主办,中国石油大学(北京)能源纳米科技中心,及高分子材料与纳米复合材料室承办的2011年传统能源一新能源一纳米材料技术国际会议(International Conference on Traditional and Renewable Energy,and Nanomaterial Technology,IC-Trent 2011)于2011年10月20日在中国石油大学召开。
Monodisperse silicon dioxide particles have been prepared by the seed growth method,and different coupling agents were used for modifying these silica particles.The results show that the size deviation of silica particles modified with[3 (methacryloyloxy)propyl] trimethoxysilane(KH 570) is much lower than that of silica particles modified with vinyl triethyloxy silane as the coupling agent.In the presence of ethanol and water,styrene may react with silica modified by KH 570 in dispersion polymerization.It was discovered through transmission electron microscopy and energy spectrum that the modified silica particles were successfully encapsulated with polystyrene.The number of silica particles encapsulated with polystyrene was continually decreased with the increase of the size of silica particles.Moreover,the number of silica particles was nearly unity in each SiO 2/PS composite particle when the silica particle size was greater than 410?nm.