生成式人工智能领域的迅猛进步,正在深刻地改变我们的社会结构和价值观念。伴随着科技带来的便捷,生成式人工智能所引发的技术、法制、伦理等方面的挑战也在显著加剧。本文打算从职业劳动这样一个独特维度来对相关问题展开新的理论剖析。文章将从生成式人工智能如何引发当代职业结构变化、生成式人工智能对职业劳动从业者自我认同重要影响、生成式人工智能对职业劳动与一般性社会生活界限的模糊化等三个方面来展开分析。文章将结合生成式人工智能的当代技术进展及相关学术理论资源来尝试厘清这些挑战背后的技术逻辑及其重要的当代社会意义。The rapid progress in the field of generative artificial intelligence is profoundly changing our social structure and values. With the convenience brought by science and technology, the challenges of technology, legal systems, and ethics caused by generative artificial intelligence are also increasing significantly. This article intends to carry out a new theoretical analysis of related issues from such a unique dimension as professional labor. This paper will analyze how generative artificial intelligence causes the change in contemporary occupation structure, the important influence of generative artificial intelligence on the self-identity of professional workers, and the blurring of the boundary between professional labor and social life. This paper will try to clarify the technical logic behind these challenges and their contemporary social significance by combining the contemporary technological progress of generative artificial intelligence and related academic theory resources.