在数据要素被国家明确为正式的生产要素背景下,数字经济发展又迈上一个新的台阶。数字经济的快速发展呼吁法治保驾护航,数据的安全治理问题引发更多关注。国家向来重视数据安全领域的顶层设计,但面临该领域诸如相关规范体系内生不足、数据权属不明造成主体间利益冲突、国家“自上而下”赋权治理失败等问题,尚需探索解决之道。本文在分析有关问题成因后,针对性提出了完善相关法律规范体系、分阶段分主体明确数据权属、引入新技术—数据信托治理等应对方案,以期为数据安全治理提供一个思路参考。Under the background that data elements are clearly defined as formal production factors by the state, the development of digital economy has reached a new level. The rapid development of the digital economy calls for the protection of the rule of law, and the security governance of data has attracted more attention. The state has always attached great importance to the top-level design in the field of data security, but it still needs to explore solutions to problems in this field such as the internal deficiency of the relevant normative system, the conflict of interest between the subjects caused by unclear data ownership, and the failure of national “top-down” empowerment governance. After analyzing the causes of the relevant problems, this paper puts forward countermeasures such as improving the relevant legal standard system, clarifying data ownership by subject in stages, introducing new technology-data trust governance, etc., in order to provide a thought reference for data security governance.