Sohware processes are a group of relating activities in the lifecycle of software. Process man-agement is the central technique in software developing and maintaining. Based on configuration man-agement system that manages tht: resource of an enterprise ,process management will be more effective.This paper discusses the issues of process managementtask, rule and role. Based on the discussions, we makemanagementin configuration management systems, such assome study on mechanisms of computer
自二战后期开始.科研的腾飞使数据量大规模增加。科研经费要想物尽其用.需要更好的机制来评估、保存、检索和分发数据。1966年,国际科学联合会成立国际科技数据委员会(CODATA:Committee on Data for Science and Technology),旨在全球范围内推动科技数据的编辑、评估和分发,进而对科研产生积极影响。