This paper attempts to reveal and solve problems in language teaching after discussing the issues of language change. It first discusses different models of English in the context of globalization. With detailed analysis of their theoretical backgrounds, development and foundations, this paper classifies these models into three groups: dualism (i.e., dualic model), trinalism (trinalic model) and monism (monic model). Through comparison, Yoneoka’s English Umbrella Theory is found to be more comprehensive and is improved into a practical Revised English Umbrella (REU) with the notion of English as an International Language (EIL). Second, the changing models in English education are briefly reviewed. Attention is paid to the Computer and Classroom-Based (CCB) Model of College English education because of new requirements for College English education. Students’ competence in cross-cultural communication is becoming more and more important in the EIL context. Finally, a modified CCB model is promoted with the REU, combining EIL and English Umbrella elements.