Triethanolamine-stearic acid ester was synthesized in n-hexane by stearic acid and triethanolamine as substrates,acetone powder of lipase remembered pH value.The optimum conditions were as follow:the molar ratio of stearic acid to triethanolamine saturated with water was 3.5∶1,the weight ratio of purified lipase and stearic acid was 100∶1.For absorbing water produced,4A sizing screens were added after 8h,its quality was 1/4 of stearic acid.Yield of esterification was arrived to 71.42% at 60hs.Replacing 4A sizing screen with N2 which is at 0.05Mpa and 4000mL/h,the esterification yield arrived to 74.25% at 60h.Lipase had catalysing activity in lower polar solvent,and the esterification equilibrium arrived while the system water was exceed 36.2%.
利用开放源代码软件CDK(Chemistry Development Kit)描述符和GC-MS以及GC-FPD测定值,对人参根部101种残留有机磷农药进行结构表征,分别以多元线性回归和偏最小二乘回归法建立定量结构色谱保留值关系模型.逐步线性回归模型的相关系数为R=0.942(R2=0.893),交互检验的复相关系数为R=0.912(R2cv=0.832).偏最小二乘模型的相关系数为R2=0.720,交互检验的复相关系数Q2=0.552.结果表明,原子极化率和电荷偏面积等分子属性具有表征能力强等优点,所建模型具有良好的稳定性和估计能力.