在和美乡村的背景下,探索“宜居宜业”的乡村发展模式是新时代赋予我们的使命。旅游业在促进乡村发展方面有着不可替代的作用,本文选取三亚西岛渔村为例,结合“携程旅行APP”上对于三亚西岛渔村民宿和酒店的评价,运用案例分析法、随机调查法、分类整理法、数据分析法、类比分析法等方法,从需求的角度探索乡村旅游住宿业的策略。Against the backdrop of harmonious rural communities, exploring the “livable and business-friendly” rural development model is a mission entrusted to us in the new era. Tourism plays an irreplaceable role in promoting rural development. This paper takes Sanya Xidao Fishing Village as an example and combines reviews of homestays and hotels in Sanya Xidao Fishing Village on the “Ctrip Travel APP”, using case analysis, random survey, classification, data analysis, analogy analysis and other methods to explore the strategy of rural tourism accommodation industry from the perspective of demand.