为了研究微生物燃料电池(MFC)在不同阳极底物废水条件下的产电效率和废水处理效果。分别以啤酒废水、糖蜜废水和啤酒-糖蜜混合废水作为阳极基质,含银电镀废水作为阴极电子受体,构建了双极室微生物燃料电池。结果表明,3组以糖蜜废水作为阳极基质的MFC产电量和COD去除率最高,啤酒废水次之,啤酒-糖蜜混合废水最低。糖蜜废水作为阳极基质的MFC最高电压和功率密度可达356 m V和36.21 m W/m^2,第3周期时COD去除率达到最高的69.29%,实验结束时阴极Ag^+的质量浓度最低至304 mg/L。不同阳极基质对MFC产电效率和废水处理效果有影响。
[Objective] This study was conducted to optimize PCR-SSCP reaction system and conditions for hawthorn (Crataegus spp.). [Method] The chloroplast DNA and nuclear DNA of hawthorn leaf were extracted with improved CTAB method. Pdmers for the PCR amplification of chloroplast DNA and nuclear DNA were select- ed from eight pairs of candidate pdmers, and the PCR-SSCP reaction system and reaction conditions were optimized. The PCR products were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis, and the denatured PCR-SSCP products were analyzed by native polyacrylamide gel. [Result] Five pairs primers (psbA-tmH, ropB, ropL, rpoC1 and ITS2) were proved to be suitable for PCR-SSCP in hawthorn, including four for chloroplast DNA and one for nuclear DNA. The clear electrophoretogram of PCR- SSCP in hawthorn was obtained by performing electrophoresis in 0.5×TBE buffer, at 4 ℃ and 200 V for 3-4 h, using 6% native polyacrylamide gel (crosslinking ratio at 29:1), and the PCR product had been mixed with an equal volume of loading buffer containing 1% NaOH (without glycerol) and denatured at 98℃ for 15 min. [Conclu- sion] The results may lay the foundation of SSCP analysis of hawthom.