随着教育改革进程的持续深化,对于数学核心素养培育的关注度在全球各国的教育体系内日渐提升,成为了一个核心议题。作为平面几何的关键分支,圆锥曲线在高中数学学习中占据举足轻重的地位,它在培养学生的逻辑推理和空间认知能力方面发挥着不可替代的作用,是数学学科素养培养的关键内容。本文通过对2021年和2023年全国数学高考I卷真题中的圆锥曲线试题作详细分析,研究数学核心素养在圆锥曲线中的体现,并从中得到相关结论,为数学教育提出具有导向性的教学指导建议。同时,结合现阶段高中生圆锥曲线学习情况调查表,制定数学核心素养培养建议和策略,促进学生全面发展。With the continuous deepening of education reform, the attention to the cultivation of mathematical core literacy has gradually increased in the education systems of countries around the world, becoming a core issue. As a key branch of plane geometry, conic curves play a crucial role in high school mathematics learning. They play an irreplaceable role in cultivating students’ logical reasoning and spatial cognitive abilities, and are a key component of cultivating mathematical literacy. This article provides a detailed analysis of the conic test questions in the 2021 and 2023 National Mathematics College Entrance Examination (NCEE) I paper, investigates the manifestation of mathematical core literacy in conic curves, and draws relevant conclusions from it, providing guiding teaching suggestions for mathematics education. At the same time, based on the current survey of high school students’ conic curve learning situation, suggestions and strategies for cultivating mathematical core literacy are formulated to promote the comprehensive development of students.