A new tailed phenylalanine tetraphenylporphinatozinc(Ⅱ),5 (p phenylalanineformylmethoxyphenyl) 10,15,20 tri(p chlorophenyl)porphinatozinc(Ⅱ)(Zn) was synthesized.The structure of the compound was characterized by elementary analysis,electric absorption spectra,IR,resonance Raman spectra and 1HNMR.The electronic absorption spectra of axial coordination reactions of Zn with pyridine and in midazole were studied.
The electronic absorption spectra and thermodynamics of axial coordination reaction of 5 (4 glycine butoxyphenyl) 10,15,20 triphenyiporphintozinc with substituted pyridines in CHCl 3 were studied.Coordination numbers and equilibrium constants of axial coordination reaction were measured by visible spectra techniques.The changs of standard molar enthalpies and standard molar entropies of reaction were obtained from the plots of ln K vs 1/T.The influence of temperature and axial ligands on the axial reaction were discussed.