[Objective] To provide scientific bases for the propagation of Coleus blumei. [Method] With the healthy branches of potted Coleus blumei as experiment materials, effects of sucrose concentration on the rooting of Coleus blumei cuttings as well as effects of sunlight on its growth were studied. [Results] Being compared with the CK (clear water), sucrose solution with low or high concentration will not promote the rooting of Coleus blumei cuttings; illumination will enhance the growth of Coleus blumei cuttings with roots; cutting treatment and management measures will greatly influence the rooting rate of Coleus blumei cuttings. [Conclusions] Sucrose solution will not promote the rooting of Coleus blumei cuttings; illumination will enhance the growth of Coleus blumei cuttings.
一、重新认识海外中国现代文学研究的必要性海外中国现代文学研究,自1961年夏志清(Chih-tsing Hsia,1921—2013)的《中国现代小说史》(A History of Modern Chinese Fiction)出版算起,虽只有50多年的历史,却已从学科边缘发展为独立学科,成为海外汉学研究中重要的组成部分。此领域研究所带来的意识形态、理论化问题对中国文学研究原有格局提出了挑战,改变了我们对文学的认识。然而,国内学界也有人认为海外中国现代文学研究始终未摆脱西方价值观的影响,远离了中国的历史与现实,甚至陷入了东方主义的怪圈,不免落入“冲击—回应”的俗套。诚然,中国现代文学研究始终无法回避西方的影响,重要的是如何去阐释。