本文探讨了to the extent that句型在新闻语篇中的两个新用法和三个新义项。文章列举了国内一些词典有关to the extent that的释义、用法和例句,并以"句型交替与混合"理论为依据,探讨了个别词典中汉语译文的不足。接着,文章从新闻英语中引用大量句子例证to the extent that句型的两个新用法和三个新义项。最后用实例说明,不了解to the extent that句型的新用法和新义项所造成的种种误译。
Newspaper English Reading is an important course in English departments of many universities in China. However, it has been taught only to junior and senior English majors. In light of the requirements of Syllabus for College English and based on a survey conducted among English majors at University of Shanghai for Science and technology (USST), the author experimented in offering this course to non-English majors, and achieved some positive and encouraging results.