This article is focused on the relationship between the algae red tide, vitamin B 1 and B 12 in Dapeng Bay. Before red tide arising, the interrelationship between vitamin B 1 and Nocliluca scientillans is obvious. But it has no effect during the period of red tide. And after red tide, it is more obious than that between vitamin B 1 and Chattonella. The interrilationship between vitamin B 12 and Bonyaulax polygramma is much clearer than that between vitamin B 1 and Gonyaulax polygramma, during red tide.
Four seasonal field investigations have been conducted in the Seven Stars Lake in Zhaoqing between Apr.1996 and Jan.1997. The water of the lake was sampled once for each season. Three major eutrophication elements, phytoplankton,nitrate and phosphate were analyzed quantitatively. According to the monitoring data,the concectration levels of the elements and their distributions,relationships among the elements were analyzed. The results are important for predicting eutrophication of the water and studying the mechanisms of the eutrophication in the Seven Sear Lake.