The traditional Chinese historical texts suggest that there existed a hereditary relationship from Emperors Yan and Huang to the Three Dynasties. During the 1920s, under the banner of rectifying the inaccurate historical records, the skeptical school of ancient history demolished the Chinese history system, and undermined the ideas of an unilineal nation and a unified territory. The Xia and Shang were partitioned into two camps. Under the influence of the imperial colonists, hypothesis of western origin of Chinese culture, the Yangshao Culture discovered in 1921 was interpreted as a culture diffused from the West. Some patriotic Chinese scholars worked hard to uncover the indigenous root of Chinese culture. Their effort brought the Longshan Culture in the east to light. They argued that Longshan was the forerunner of the Shang Culture of the East Yi family which competed with and hostile to the Xia people of the Yangshao Culture. The impact of the hypothesis of" East Yi and West Xia " was both deep and broad. Nevertheless, excavations at the archaeology sites of Miaodigou, Wangwan and Erlitou between the late fifties and early sixties linked the Yangshao, Longshan and Yingxu cultures into a single cultural entity. The archaeology support the Xia-Shang dualism hypothesis was thus eroded. It is time to abandon skepticism and dualism in the study of early China.
1987年春,在二里头遗址 V 区的东缘,圪垱头村偃师第二橡胶厂工人在厂内建水泥池子挖土时发现三件铜器和一件残石玉器,还有残陶器(皆被遗弃)。由于发现时仅当事的两三人知道,他们便私藏起来。我队得知此事后,即多方追查。得知他们已将此批铜器卖出,我们随即报请偃师县公安局协助追查。经公安人员的努力,追回了铜鼎和铜斝。另一件据当事人描述,当为铜觚,尚待继续追查之。
From the final stage of the Henan Longshan culture to the IV phase of the Erlitou culture ,in the region where the Erlitou site was located,the proportion of herbs was greater than that of woody plants,The climate showed a tendency of change from warmth and humidity to cold and aridity,These are the authors' conclusion based on their identification and analysis of the pollen examples from the Erlitou site.It is conformable to the basic law of environmental change in North China during the Holocene Epoch,and refects an ideal landscape for early man's living and development.