【目的】吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国地处中亚东北部,天山山脉西麓,与中国新疆阿克苏地区接壤,研究其气候变化及空间变异空特征对于了解中亚气象与环境变化,应对中国新疆气象与环境将出现的演变都具有一定的意义。【方法】基于英国East Anglia大学Climatic Research Unit(CRU)提供的1971~2000年的降水和气温数据资料,并结合来自世界气象组织(WMO)的9个吉尔吉斯斯坦气象站点国际交换数据,分析吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国近30 a的气候变化特征。【结果】吉尔吉斯斯坦年总降水量为增加趋势,总降水量在东南部相对较少,西南部与塔吉克斯坦邻近地区降水量相对较大,季节差异明显,春季和冬季降水最多,夏季相对较少,与中国新疆降水特征差异较大,呈"地中海型气候"。年均气温不足10℃,"北热南冷,西热东冷",冬季增温趋势明显,春季呈下降趋势,夏季幅度不大,秋季几乎无变化,气温年较差大于周边国家,但气温年较差减小。【结论】与同处于中亚地区的中国新疆在降水及气温变化上存在较大差异,吉尔吉斯斯坦降水量较高,区域差别更为显著。
[Objective] The aim was to explore the differences of jujube growth by intercropping with cotton and mono-cropping and to research effects of three irrigation models and quantity on jujube. [Method] The field experiment with three factors and two levels were applied for the study in order to research the effect of all treatments with the yield, quality, bearing branch, flower, fruit diameter of jujube. [Result]With different irrigation patterns, the result of comparing the length of bearing branch was drip irrigation furrow irrigation micro spray, and the result of comparing the number of bearing branch, the bud number, the flower number, fruit diameter was the same, as follows: drip irrigation microjet irrigation furrow irrigation; the result of comparing the yield was drip irrigation furrow irrigation microjet irrigation with significant differences. With different irrigation quantities, high irrigation water quantity treatment was proved higher than low irrigation quantity treatment in every survey index. [Conclusion] The analysis indicates that drip irrigation, microjet irrigation and furrow irrigation increased the irrigation water quantity can significantly promote the growth and the yield of jujube and the effects of the three kinds of irrigation patterns are drip irrigation furrow irrigation microjet irrigation.