Hypoxia induced factor 1 plays a key role during the cell hypoxia tran sduction Hypoxia induced factor 1α (HIF 1α) is a functional subunit of hyp oxi a induced factor 1 Plateau pika ( Ochotona curzoniae ),which is a Qinghai Tibet plateau native animal lived above 3 000 m,has high ratio of oxygen util ization to adapt to plateau hypoxia environments One fragment of the coding region of cDN A sequence of plateau pika HIF 1α was obtained by RT PCR technique using a deg en eracy PCR primer based on previously reported cDNA sequence in human, cattle, ho use mouse and Norway rat HIF 1α gene It was directly inserted into the vecto r pMD18 T DNA sequencing proved that it was highly homology with human (91%), c at tle (91%), house mouse (89%) and Norway rat (89%) HIF 1α gene The study prov id es basic important information for the HIF 1α cDNA whole sequence cloning of p lateau pika and its functional