目的:探讨在生理学教学中应用WPBL教学法(problem based learning on web,在网络条件下使用的问题教学法)的效果。方法:对我校2013级临床医学本科班的160名学生的学习资料进行回顾性研究。我们将这160名学生随机分为实验班和对照班,每班各有80名学生。在两组学生学习生理学时,我校使用常规教学法对对照班学生进行教学,使用WPBL教学法对实验班学生进行教学。教学3周后,比较两班学生对生理学理论知识的掌握情况和他们对教学方法的满意率,同时调查实验班学生对WPBL教学法的评价。结果:实验班学生生理学理论知识的考试成绩明显高于对照班学生,二者相比差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。实验班学生对教学方法的满意率明显高于对照班学生,二者相比差异具有显著性(P<0.05)。在实验班学生中,有98.8%的学生认为WPBL教学法能提高其自学能力,有97.5%的学生认为WPBL教学法能使其对生理学产生兴趣,有98.8%的学生认为WPBL教学法能提高其综合归纳能力和理解分析能力,有98.8%的学生认为WPBL教学法能提高其学习的积极性,有98.8%的学生认为WPBL教学法能改善班级内的学习氛围。结论:在生理学教学中应用WPBL教学法可有效地提高学生对生理学知识的掌握程度和对教学方法的满意率,同时还能提高学生的学习兴趣、自学能力、综合归纳能力、理解分析能力和学习的积极性,改善其学习氛围。此教学方法值得在各医学高校中推广使用。
Intrinsic excitabilities of acutely isolated medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) neurons of rats with normal labyrinth and with undergoing vestibular compensation from 30 min to 24 h after unilateral vestibular deafferentation (UVD) were compared. In control rats, proportions of type A and B cells were 30 and 70%, respectively, however, the proportion of type A cells increased following UVD. Bursting discharge and irregular firing patterns were recorded from 2 to 12 h post UVD. The spontaneous discharge rate of neurons in the ipsilesional MVN increased significantly at 2 h post-UVD and remained high until 12 h post-UVD in both type A and type B cells. After-hyperpolarization (AHP) of the MVN neurons decreased significantly from 2 h post-UVD in both types of cells. These results suggest that the early stage of vestibular compensation after peripheral neurectomy is associated with an increase in intrinsic excitability due to reduction of AHP in MVN neurons.