1b and 2a HCV subtypes we re mainly reported in ChinaHerein ,a 3b subtype strain of HCV was fo und with gene chip methodFirstly, the 5’ NCR(non-coding region)was s elected as target sequence,and 171 related sequences in GeneBank wer e alignedAccording to the alignme nt results,eleven DNA probes were acquired and oligonucleotide array s were constructed for distinguish ing the HCV main genotypes and sub types,which did not contain specif ic probes of genotypes 4 and 5,but genotype 1, subtypes 1a/1c and 1b, genotype 2,subtypes 2a/2c and 2b,g enotype 3,subtypes 3a and 3b and g enotype 6,subtype 6aSecondly,foll owing reverse transcription of HCV RNA,nested-PCR was applied to harv est the 260 bp target DNA fragment approximatelyAfter specific ampli fication of target DNA and array h ybridization,the solid phase alkal ine phosphatase reaction indicated visually the results that the DNA fragment contains specific sequenc e of genotype 3 and subtype 3bBy sequencing the target DNA fragment ,and analyzing the sequence,it con firmed that HCV containing in the p ositive blood of the patient is gen otype 3 and subtype