In this paper we shall offer a separation axiom for frames inspired by the Hausdorff separation axiom for topological spaces. We call it separated condition. This is a condition on topology OX equivalent to the T O space X being Hausdorff. The class of separated frames includes that of strong Hausdorff frames and that of S frames. We shall show that the class of separated frames is a class closed under the formation of coproducts and subspaces, and the space Fil( L ) is Hausdorff for any separated frame L . Therefore there is a contravariant adjunction between the category TOP 2 of Hausdorff topological spaces and the category FRAM 2 of separated frames.
Vegetation provides potential erosion controland slope protection ,through its hydrological and me chanicalinteraction ofplants withlocalclimate and soil.Thetheoreticalunderstanding ofthese vege tative effectsis the base ofslope eco - engineering .In the pastfew decades,theimportance of vege tation in protecting slopes has been stressed by many researchers.The greater awarenessthat vegeta tion can play a range ofrolesin slope protection has madeitincreasingly a valuabletoolin naturalen vironmentalprotection and civilengineering .and this knowledge hasled to aincreasing application ofvegetation types world - wide .Thoughitisstilla kind ofyoungtechniques,anincreasing amountofexperience ofslope eco - engineering of vegetation is gathering from the past practices,and thelagernumber ofsuccessful examples ofits applicationsis showing its greatfuture .