Helicopter mathematical model mainly depends on design helicopter control system, flight simulator, and real time control simulation system. But it is difficult to establish a helicopter flight dynamics mathematical model that has features such as rapidness, reliability and precision, because there is no unique and precise expression to some sophisticated phenomenon of helicopter. In this paper a fuzzy helicopter flight model is constructed based on the flight experimental data. The fuzzy model, which is identified by fuzzy inference, has characteristics of computed rapidness and high precision. In order to guarantee the precision of the identified fuzzy model, a new method is adopted to handle the conflict fuzzy rules. Additionally, using fuzzy clustering technology can effectively reduce the number of rules of fuzzy model, namely, the order of the fuzzy model. The simulation results indicate that the method of this paper is effective and feasible.
WT5 'BZThis paper presents an unsteady and nonlinear wake model based on th e widely used Peters He finite state dynamic wake model with improvements. The swirl component in the tip trace plane (TTP) can be predicted, nonlinear items are added into the linear theory, and the old small angle assumption use d in matrix prediction is removed. All of these enha ncements are aimed at the low speed flight phase and formulations for the induce d velocity field just in the TTP frame are derived. The corresponding FORTRAN pr ogram is tested and optimized for the real time applications on PCs.