A novel Reed Solomon (RS) block turbo code (BTC) coding scheme of RS(63,58)xRS(63,58) for optical communications is proposed. The simulation results show that the net coding gain (NCG) of this scheme at the sixth iteration is more than that of other coding schemes at the third iteration for the bit error rate (BER) of 10~2. Furthermore, the novel RS BTC has shorter component code and rapider encoding and decoding speed. Therefore, the novel RS BTC coding scheme can be better used in high-speed long-haul optical communication systems, and the novel RS BTC can be regarded as a candidate code of the super forward error correction (super-FEC) code~ Moreover, the encoding/decoding design and implementation of the novel RS BTC are also presented.
首先从理论上分析了硬判决译码算法和软判决译码算法的性能然后对BCH(Bose,Ray-Chaudhuri,Hocquenghem)码的网格结构以及BCJR(Bahl,Cocke,Jelinek and Raviv)算法进行了详细地分析及推导。实验结果表明,在光信道环境中,在误比特率为10-5时,当仅提高最小汉明距离码率相同或者仅减小码率最小汉明距离相同时,BCJR算法相对于硬判决译码算法的编码增益分别在之前的编码增益基础上又增加了0.15dB和0.25dB。因此设计级联码方案时,应尽可能选择纠错能力较大的内码。此外也可以采用适当增加内码的冗余度相应减小外码的冗余度的方法,在获得更高的编码增益的同时保证整个系统的带宽利用率不变。