The purpose of this paper is to discuss the suitability of out-of-codes tall slab-column and shearwall structure and to popularize the structure in seismic region.In the research,flat-plate floor was used in slab-column and shearwall structure in the practical engineering,the key parameters of slab-column and shearwall structure and frame-shearwall structure such as deflection,punching shear behavior,story drift and capability curve were worked out by static plastic analysis,elastic-plastic time history analysis and pushover analysis,then the suitability of out-of-codes tall slab-column and shearwall structure was evaluated.The results show that the out-of-codes tall slab-column and shearwall structure studies could satisfy the require of deflection and punching shear behavior,the story drift under 7 degree expected rare earthquake waves could satisfy the limit value in the codes and the seismic design spectrum was crossed by the capability curve of the structure and the structure could not collapse.The conclusion is that slab-column and shearwall structure with reasonable design built in Ⅱ soil site of intensity 7 seismic fortification zone can be designed higher than the limit height in the codes.