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3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
贫金属富碳恒星(Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor,CEMP)是研究宇宙早期恒星性质和化学演化的极佳样本,通常认为来自双星.目前发现的贫金属富碳星中有9颗天琴RR变星(RR Lyrae star,RRL),其中至少7颗未表现出任何双星特征.传统双星物质转移模型不足以充分解释贫金属富碳天琴RR变星(CEMP-RR Lyrae)单星的形成.之前研究表明氦白矮星和赫氏空隙星(HG)的并合模型可以解释部分富碳红巨星单星的碳增丰现象,因此贫金属富碳星单星也可能来自氦白矮星和赫氏空隙星的并合模型渠道.通过详细计算的氦白矮星和赫氏空隙星并合模型来检验这一演化渠道,结果表明:该并合模型在后续的演化过程中,其重力加速度、温度、表面碳丰度均能与观测符合较好.由此,氦白矮星和赫氏空隙星并合模型极有可能是贫金属富碳天琴RR变星的形成渠道之一.
Grids of rotating stellar models with masses between 1.0 and 3.0 M_⊙
We calculated a grid of evolutionary tracks of rotating models with masses between 1.0 and 3.0 M⊙ and resolution δM 〈 0.02 M⊙, which can be used to study the effects of rotation on stellar evolution and on the characteristics of star clusters. The value of ~ 2.05 Me is a critical mass for the effects of rotation on stellar struc- ture and evolution. For stars with M 〉 2.05 Me, rotation leads to an increase in the convective core and prolongs their lifetime on the main sequence (MS); rotating mod- els evolve more slowly than non-rotating ones; the effects of rotation on the evolution of these stars are similar to those of convective core overshooting. However for stars with 1.1 〈 M/M⊙ 〈 2.05, rotation results in a decrease in the convective core and shortens the duration of the MS stage; rotating models evolve faster than non-rotating ones. When the mass has values in the range ~ 1.7 - 2.0 M⊙, the mixing caused by rotationally induced instabilities is not efficient; the hydrostatic effects dominate pro- cesses associated with the evolution of these stars. For models with masses between about 1.6 and 2.0 M⊙, rotating models always exhibit lower effective temperatures than non-rotating ones at the same age during the MS stage. For a given age, the lower the mass, the smaller the change in the effective temperature. Thus rotations could lead to a color spread near the MS turnoff in the color-magnitude diagram for intermediate-age star clusters.
Wu-Ming YangShao-Lan BiXiang-Cun Meng
The double helium-white dwarf channel for the formation of AM CVn binaries被引量:2
Most close double helium white dwarfs will merge within a Hubble time due to orbital decay by gravitational wave radiation.However,a significant fraction with low mass ratios will survive for a long time as a consequence of stable mass transfer.Such stable mass transfer between two helium white dwarfs(He WDs) provides one channel for the production of AM CVn binary stars.In previous calculations of double He WD progenitors,the accreting He WD was treated as a point mass.We have computed the evolution of 16 double He WD models in order to investigate the consequences of treating the evolution of both components in detail.We find that the boundary between binaries having stable and unstable mass transfer is slightly modified by this approach.By comparing with observed periods and mass ratios,we redetermine masses of eight known AM CVn stars by our double He WDs channel,i.e.HM Cnc,AM CVn,V406 Hya,J0926,J1240,GP Com,Gaia14 aae and V396 Hya.We propose that central spikes in the triple-peaked emission spectra of J1240,GP Com and V396 Hya and the surface abundance ratios of N/C/O in GP Com can be explained by the stable double He WD channel.The mass estimates derived from our calculations are used to discuss the predicted gravitational wave signal in the context of the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna(LISA) project.
Xian-Fei ZhangJin-Zhong LiuC.Simon JefferyPhilip D.HallShao-Lan Bi