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9 条 记 录,以下是 1-9
Research of Velocity Compensation Method Based on Range Profile Feature被引量:1
In this paper,based on the feature of high resolution one-dimensional range profile,two effective motion compensation methods are presented. Firstly,the processing method of stepped-frequency and the response of target moving to range profile are analyzed. Secondly,the function of range profile entropy and range profile contrast are presented for velocity compensation,and then the theory analysis,math model,and solution method are analyzed in detail. Finally,several simulation experiments are designed to prove the accuracy and effectiveness of these two methods. From the final theory analysis and simulation experiments,the conclusion can be drawn that these two methods are effective,which can get much higher velocity estimation accuracy,well real-time and easy to be used in project application. After motion compens-ation,the high resolution one-dimensional range profile will be much better than that used to be,and is used for the detection, recognition and ranging of moving targets.
Kai-Feng GuoYun LinMeng WangXiao-Chun Xu
A Kind of Edge Detection Algorithm with Edge-Preserving Characteristics被引量:2
Traditional Sobel algorithm is deeply influenced by Gaussian noise,therefore,before boundary extraction,mean filter should be done. But the filtering process is always over-smooth images'details of certain directions,so that images'edges will not be extracted correctly. Aiming at this problem,this paper puts forward a detection algorithm based on edge-preserving characteristics,by matching edge mould of different directions to definite edge preserving directions. Instead of the mean filter process,this algorithm improves the performance of traditional algorithms,and provides the simulation results. The experiment results prove that this algorithm preserves more images'edge information when canceling noise.
Zheng DouPeng-Yu ShiYun Lin
Parameter Estimation of Linear Frequency Modulated Signals Based on Holder Coefficient
The current parameter estimation algorithms of chirp rate have high complexity and long calculation time,meantime they are difficult to achieve high estimation rate. Therefore,in order to overcome these problems,in this paper,a new parameter estimation algorithm based on Holder coefficient is presented. Firstly,this algorithm calculates the correlation curve of the Holder coefficient value under different chirp rate. Secondly,this algorithm calculates the correlation curve under different SNR. Finally,the fitting curve expression can be got by the correlation curve,and then the estimation value of chirp rate can also be got. The theory analysis and simulation results show that this algorithm is simple and easy to realize,and has much better application value for real-time estimation.
Yu-Ning ZhaoXiao-Dong YangYun Lin
为了提高信息传输速率、灵活利用频谱,从多波段脉冲超宽带(multiband impulse radio UWB,MB-IR-UWB)系统的工作原理出发,结合有限项扁长椭球波函数(prolate spheroidal wave function,PSWF)良好的带限和正交特性,提出了一种新的多波段频谱划分方式,在此基础上搭建系统模型。通过推导给出在高斯白噪声背景下,采用TH-BPPM调制时的平均误比特率公式,并进行系统性能分析。仿真结果表明,在保证各波段间不干扰条件下,MB-IR-UWB与单波段UWB系统有相同的误码性能,PSWF脉冲可用于数据的并行传输,信息传输速率有大幅度提高。同时,脉冲持续时间影响系统的误码性能,Tm=6 ns是波段数N=15时对应的最佳脉冲持续时间。
New Individual Identification Method of Radiation Source Signal Based on Entropy Feature and SVM被引量:5
In this paper,according to the defect of methods which have low identification rate in low SNR,a new individual identification method of radiation source based on information entropy feature and SVM is presented. Firstly,based on the theory of multi-resolution wavelet analysis,the wavelet power spectrum of noncooperative signal can be gotten. Secondly,according to the information entropy theory,the wavelet power spectrum entropy is defined in this paper. Therefore,the database of signal's wavelet power spectrum entropy can be built in different SNR and signal parameters. Finally,the sorting and identification model based on SVM is built for the individual identification of radiation source signal. The simulation result indicates that this method has a high individual's identification rate in low SNR,when the SNR is greater than 4 dB,the identification rate can reach 100%. Under unstable SNR conditions,when the range of SNR is between 0 dB and 24 dB,the average identification rate is more than 92. 67%. Therefore,this method has a great application value in the complex electromagnetic environment.
Yun LinXiao-Chun XuZi-Cheng Wang
Multi-Focus Image Fusion Based on Wavelet Transformation被引量:4
In the fusion of image,how to measure the local character and clarity is called activity measurement. According to the problem,the traditional measurement is decided only by the high-frequency detail coefficients, which will make the energy expression insufficient to reflect the local clarity. Therefore,in this paper,a novel construction method for activity measurement is proposed. Firstly,it uses the wavelet decomposition for the fusion resource image, and then utilizes the high and low frequency wavelet coefficients synthetically. Meantime,it takes the normalized variance as the weight of high-frequency energy. Secondly,it calculates the measurement by the weighted energy,which can be used to measure the local character. Finally,the fusion coefficients can be got. In order to illustrate the superiority of this new method,three kinds of assessing indicators are provided. The experiment results show that,comparing with the traditional methods,this new method weakens the fuzzy and promotes the indicator value. Therefore,it has much more advantages for practical application.
Peng ZhangYing-Xun TangYan-Hua LiangXu-Bo Liu
An Introduction to Convex Optimization Theory in Communication Signals Recognition
In this paper,convex optimization theory is introduced into the recognition of communication signals. The detailed content contains three parts. The first part gives a survey of basic concepts,main technology and recognition model of convex optimization theory. Special emphasis is placed on how to set up the new recognition model of communication signals with multisensor reports. The second part gives the solution method of the recognition model,which is called Logarithmic Penalty Barrier Function. The last part gives several numeric simulations,in contrast to D-S evidence inference method,this new method can also generate reasonable recognition results. Moreover,this new method can deal with the form of sensor reports which is more general than that allowed by the D-S evidence inference method,and it has much lower computation complexity than that of D-S evidence inference method. In addition,this new method has better recognition result,stronger anti-interference and robustness. Therefore,the convex optimization methods can be widely used in the recognition of communication signals.
Jin-Feng PangYun LinXiao-Chun XuZheng DouZi-Cheng Wang
Research of Hybrid Modulation Radar Signal
Based on the advantage of phase coded signal and stepped frequency signal,a new hybrid modulation signal is introduced in this paper. It combines phase code modulation during the pulse with stepped frequency modulation between the pulses, which is named as phase-coded stepped-frequency ( PCSF ) signal. By analyzing its waveform and ambiguity function,the comparison between Stepped-Frequency ( SF) signal and PCSF signal is given,which shows that the PCSF signal is better than SF signal. Finally,the signal processing method with two stage compressed processing is presented. The simulation results show that this new hybrid modulation radar signal can get a higher stepped frequency than ordinary SF signal,realize the same equivalent bandwidth with less pulse number,and solve the conflict among the stepped frequency,the number of pulse, and transmit average power. Under the premises of a certain range resolution,this new hybrid modulation radar signal not only raises the data rate of radar system,but also reduces Doppler sensitivity with a good prospect, and the effect of one-dimensional range profile is much better than that of traditional SF signal. Therefore,this new hybrid modulation radar signal can be widely used in application.
Kai-Feng GuoYun LinMeng WangXiao-Chun Xu
在非协作通信系统中,信号解调需要对载波频率进行估计。提出了一种结合信噪比估计的希尔伯特-黄变换(Hilbert-Huang transform,HHT)的载波频率估计方法,通过信噪比合理选择固有模态分量(intrinsic mode function,IMF)对信号进行时域滤波,再求边际谱来估计载波频率,并与其他几种方法进行比较。仿真结果表明,在信噪比低于-5 d B时,文中提出的相位调制信号(phase shift keying,PSK)载频估计方法,归一化均方根误差小于10-1,相对误差小于5%,优于其他方法。