Let L be a Lie algebra of Block type over C with basis {Lα,i | a,i ∈ Z} and brackets [Lα,i, Lβ,j] = (β(i + 1) - α(j + 1))Lα+β,i+j. In this paper, we first construct a formal distribution Lie algebra of L. Then we decide its conformal algebra B with C[δ]- basis { Lα(w) | α ∈ Z} and λ-brackets [Lα(w)λLβ(w)] = (αδ + (α +β)A)Lα+β(w). Finally, we give a classification of free intermediate series B-modules.
For any complex parameters a, b, let W(a, b) be the Lie algebra with basis {Li, Hi|i ∈ Z} and relations [Li,Lj] = (j - i)Li+j, [Li,Hj] = (a + j + bi)Hi+j and [Hi, Hi] = 0. In this paper, we construct the W(a, b) conformal algebra for some a, b and its conformal module of rank one.
In this paper, the extended affine Lie algebra sl2(Cq) is quantized from three different points of view, which produces three non-commutative and non-cocommutative Hopf algebra structures, and yields other three quantizations by an isomorphism of sl2 (Cq) correspondingly. Moreover, two of these quantizations can be restricted to the extended affine Lie algebra sl2(Cq).
For any complex parameters a and b,W(a,b)is the Lie algebra with basis{Li,Wi|i∈Z}and relations[Li,Lj]=(j i)Li+j,[Li,Wj]=(a+j+bi)Wi+j,[Wi,Wj]=0.In this paper,indecomposable modules of the intermediate series over W(a,b)are classified.It is also proved that an irreducible Harish-Chandra W(a,b)-module is either a highest/lowest weight module or a uniformly bounded module.Furthermore,if a∈/Q,an irreducible weight W(a,b)-module is simply a Vir-module with trivial actions of Wk’s.