We obtained the 2-D P-wave velocity structure of the lithosphere in the eastern North China Craton, Shanxi fault subsidence zone, and Yinchuan-Hetao fault subsidence zone by ray tracking technology based on six groups of clearly identified crustal phases and one group of lithospheric interface reflection phases from seismic recording sections of 21 shots along the 1300-km-long Yancheng-Baotou deep seismic wide-angle reflection/refraction profile. The results indicate significant differ- ences between the lithospheric structure east and west of the Taihang Mountains, which is a gravity-gradient zone as well as a zone of abrupt change in lithospheric thickness and a separation zone of different rock components. East of the Taihang Mountains, the Mesozoic and Cenozoic lithospheric structure of the North China Craton has undergone strong reformation and destruction, resulting in the lithosphere thickness decreasing to 70-80 km. The North China Basin has a very thick Cenozoic sedimentary cover and the deepest point of crystalline basement is about 7.0 kin, with the crustal thickness decreasing to about 31.0 kin. The crystalline basement of the Luxi uplift zone is relatively shallow with a depth of 1.0-2.0 km and crustal thickness of 33.0-35.0 km. The Subei Basin has a thicker Cenozoic sedimentary cover and the bottom of its crystalline basement is at about 5.0-6.0 km with a crustal thickness of 31.0-32.0 km. The Tanlu fault is a deep fracture which cuts the lithosphere with a significant velocity structure difference on either side of the fault. The Tanlu fault plays an important role in the lithospheric destruction in the eastern part of the North China Craton. West of the Taihang Mountains, the crustal thickness increases sig- nificantly. The crust thickness beneath the Shanxi fault depression zone is about 46 km, and there is a low-velocity structure with a velocity of less than 6.1 km s-~ in the upper part of the middle crust. Combined with other geophysical study results, our data shows that the lithospheric dest
感应式磁传感器是频率域电磁法(FEM)中使用最广泛的磁传感器,通常由感应线圈和前置放大器组成,其中前置放大电路是影响磁感应式磁传感器性能指标的核心因素。为了增加感应式磁传感器探测深度和微弱磁场信号的能力,要求前置放大电路具有宽频带和低噪声等性能。基于磁通负反馈的原理设计并研制了斩波前置放大器,有效抑制了感应线圈的输出噪声,使感应线圈谐振频率两侧具有平坦的幅频特性曲线,拓宽了感应式传感器的响应频带。在屏蔽室内对斩波前置放大器的性能指标进行了测试,其频带范围为0.001Hz^10 k Hz,输入噪声为槡3.75 n V/Hz,为感应式磁传感器在实际中的应用提供了性能保障。