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作品数:4 被引量:5H指数:1


  • 4篇中文期刊文章


  • 4篇天文地球


  • 3篇QUASAR...
  • 2篇NUCLEI
  • 2篇SDSS
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  • 1篇VLBI
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  • 3篇2010
  • 1篇2009
4 条 记 录,以下是 1-4
Accretion/jet activity and narrow [O III] kinematics in young radio galaxies
We estimate black hole masses and Edenton ratios for a sample of 81 young radio galaxies,which includes 42 compact steep-spectrum(CSS) and 39 gigahertz-peaked spectrum(GPS) sources.We find that the average black hole(BH) mass of these young radio galaxies is〈log Mbh〉-8.3,which is less than that of radio loud QSOs and low redshift radio galaxies(〈 log Mbh〉-9.0).The CSS/GPS sources have relatively high Eddington ratios,with an average value of〈log Lbol/LEdd〉=-0.75,which are similar to those of narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies(NLS1s).This suggests that young radio galaxies may not only be in the early stages of their radio activity,but also in the early stage of their accretion activity.We find that the young radio galaxies,as a class,systematically deviate from the Mbh-σ relation defined by nearby inactive galaxies,when using σ[O III] as a surrogate for stellar velocity dispersion σ.We also find that the deviation of the [O III] line width,Δσ =σ[O III]-σ[pred],is correlated with the Eddington ratio;sources with Lbol/LEdd-1 have the largest deviations,which are similar to those of radio quiet QSOs/NLS1s(i.e.,sources in which the radio jets are absent or weak),and where σ[pred] is calculated from the Tremaine et al.relation using our estimated BH masses.A similar result has been obtained for 9 linear radio Seyfert galaxies.On the basis of these results,we suggest that,in addition to the possible jet-gas interactions,accretion activities may also play an important role in shaping the kinematics of the narrow [O III] line in young radio galaxies.
SDSS spectroscopy for blazars in the Fermi LAT bright AGN sample被引量:1
We have collected all available spectra and photometric data from the SDSS catalog for bright AGNs complied from the first three months of the Fermi large area telescope all-sky survey. Based on the 106 high-confidence and 11 low-confidence associated bright AGN list, the photometry data are collected from SDSS DR7 for 28 sources (12 BL Lacs and 16 FSRQs), two of which are low-confidence associated bright AGNs. Among these 28 SDSS photometric sources, SDSS spectra are available for 20 sources (6 BL Lacs and 14 FSRQs). The black hole masses MBH and the broad line region (BLR) luminosity were obtained for 14 FSRQs by measuring the line-widths and strengths of broad emission lines from the SDSS spectra. The broad emission line measurements of five FSRQs are presented for the first time in this work. The optical continuum emission of these 14 FSRQs is found to be likely dominated by the non-thermal jet emission by comparing the relationship between the broad Mg II line and continuum luminosity to that of radio-quiet AGNs. The black hole mass of the 14 FSRQs ranges from 10^8.2 M⊙ to 10^9.9 M⊙, with most of the sources larger than 10^9 M⊙. The Eddington ratio Lbol/LEdd ranges from 10-1'5 to - 1. This implies that an optically thin, geometrically thick accretion disk may exist in these FSRQs.
Zhao-Yu ChenMin-Feng GuZhong-Hui FanXin-Wu Cao
The radio structure of BL Lac object S5 2007+777被引量:3
BL Lac object S5 2007+777 has been classified as a HYMOR(Hybrid Morphology radio source) for its hybrid FR I and FR II radio morphology.It is one of four BL Lac objects with a kpc scale extended X-ray jet.In this paper,we searched the unpublished European VLBI Network(EVN) archived high resolution data for this source,and present the high resolution radio structure.The EVN images all show a core-jet structure in 1.6,5 and 8 GHz.In combination with the VLA data in the literature,we found position angle differences(△PA) of about 10°-20° between pc and kpc scale jet structures.The brightness temperature estimated from multi-band EVN images are around 1011.2-1011.8 K,from which the Doppler factor ranges from 3.2 to 12.0.We found significant flux variations of the radio core in 1.6 and 5 GHz,from which we derived the variability in brightness temperature Tvar to be 1013.6 K and 1014.0 K,corresponding to the Doppler factors of 9.3 and 12.4,respectively.
WU ZhongZu1,3,GU MinFeng2 & CHEN YongJun2 1 College of Science,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China
Synchrotron peak luminosity,black hole mass and Eddington ratio for SDSS flat-spectrum radio quasars被引量:1
<Abstract>For a sample of 185 flat-spectrum radio quasars(FSRQs) constructed from the SDSS DR3 quasar catalog,we found a significant correlation between the synchrotron peak luminosity and both the black hole mass and Eddington ratio.This implies that the physics of its jet formation is not only tightly related with the black hole mass,but also with the accretion rate.We verify that the synchrotron peak luminosity can be a better indicator of jet emission than 5 GHz luminosity,through comparing the relationships between each of these two parameters and both black hole mass and Eddington ratio.The fundamental plane of black hole activity for our FSRQs is established as Lr ∝ L0x.80 ± 0.06 Mbh -0.04 ± 0.09 with a weak dependence on black hole mass,however,the scatter is significant.
GU MinFeng1 & CHEN ZhaoYu1,2 1 Key Laboratory for Research in Galaxies and Cosmology,Shanghai Astronomical Observatory,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Shanghai 200030,China