A bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library containing a large genomlc DNA insert is an important tool for genome physical mapping, map-based cloning, and genome sequencing. To Isolate genes via a map-based cloning strategy and to perform physical mapping of the cotton genome, a high-quality BAC library containing large cotton DNA Inserts Is needed. We have developed a BAC library of the restoring line 0-613-2R for Isolating the fertility restorer (Rf1) gene and genomic research in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). The BAC library contains 97 825 clones stored In 255 pieces of a 384-well mlcrotiter plate. Random samples of BACs digested with the Notl enzyme Indicated that the average Insert size Is approximately 130 kb, with a range of 80-275 kb, and 95.7% of the BAC clones in the library have an average insert size larger than 100 kb. Based on a cotton genome size of 2 250 Mb, library coverage is 5.7 × haploid genome equivalents. Four clones were selected randomly from the library to determine the stability of the BAC clones. There were no different fingerprints for 0 and 100 generations of each clone digested with Notl and Hlndiii enzymes. Thus, the atabiiity of a single BAC clone can be sustained at iesat for 100 generations. Eight simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers flanking the Rf; gene were chosen to screen the BAC library by pool using PCR method and 25 positive clones were identified with 3.1 positive clones per SSR marker.