The electronic structures and magnetic properties of(Mn, N)-codoped Zn O are investigated by using the firstprinciples calculations. In the ferromagnetic state, as N substitutes for the intermediate O atom of the nearest neighboring Mn ions, about 0.5 electron per Mn^2+ion transfers to the N^2-ion, which leads to the high-state Mn ions(close to +2.5)and trivalent N3-ions. In an antiferromagnetic state, one electron transfers to the N2-ion from the downspin Mn2+ion,while no electron transfer occurs for the upspin Mn^2+ion. The(Mn, N)-codoped Zn O system shows ferromagnetism,which is attributed to the hybridization between Mn 3d and N 2p orbitals.
Mn-doped ZnS nanobelts have been prepared through a thermal evaporation method at 1100 °C.The synthesized nanobelts are characterized with X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),selected area electron diffraction(SAED),high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HRTEM),and photoluminescence(PL) spectroscopy.The results show that the nanobelts have an uniform single-crystal hexagonal wurtzite structure and grow along [0001] direction.Room-temperature photoluminescence reveals that the intrinsic PL of the nanobelts disappears and a new PL peak of the Mn-doped ZnS nanobelts emerges at 575 nm.
Large-scale synthesis of single-crystal CdSe nanoribbons is achieved by a modified thermal evaporation method, in which two-step-thermal-evaporation is used to control CdSe sources' evaporation. The synthesized CdSe nanoribbons are usually several micrometers in width, 50 nm in thickness, and tens to several hundred micrometers in length. Studies have shown that high-quality CdSe nanoribbons with regular shapes can be obtained by this method. Room-temperature photolumines-cence indicates that the lasing emission at 710 nm has been observed under optical pumping (266 nm) at power densities of 25-153 kW/cm^2. The full width half maximum (FWHM) of the lasing mode is 0.67 nm