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13 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Middle and Late Devonian brachiopod assemblages,sea level change and paleogeography of Hunan,China被引量:8
Givetian through middle Famennian brachiopods of Hunan are used to define five biozones,comprising,in ascending order,the Stringocephalus Abundance Zone,the Ambocoeliid-Leiorhynchid Assemblage Zone,the Cyrtospiriferid Assemblage Zone,the Yunnanellina-Sinospirifer Assemblage Zone,and the Yunnanella-Hunanospirifer Assemblage Zone.They correspond approximately to the Po.hemiansatus Zone to Po.varcus Zone,S.hermanni Zone to Pa.punctata Zone,Pa.hassi Zone to Pa.linguiformis Zone,Pa.triangularis Zone to Upper Pa.crepida Zone,and Uppermost Pa.crepida Zone to Pa.marginifera Zone,respectively.Intensified rifting activity in South China during the Devonian began in the middle of the Lower Po.varcus Zone(a level marked by the first appearance of Po.rhenanus),which is consistent with the Lower-Middle Givetian substage boundary suggested by the International Subcommission on Devonian Stratigraphy(SDS).This assumed that rifting activity in the Lower Po.varcus Zone was signified by the deposition of the Baqi Formation in Guangxi and was marked largely by the extensive deposition of the Qiziqiao Formation in central Hunan,which probably led to an opposite pattern of relative sea level change-rising in deeper water trough areas and lowering in carbonate platform areas.The previously recognized S.hermanni Zone sea level rise in platform margin areas of Guangxi can be identified not only in the trough areas but also in platform areas,which probably indicates an overall marine transgression at this time,rather than tectonically induced sea level change.Similarly,this level coincides with the Middle-Upper Givetian substage boundary suggested by the SDS.Although the sea level rise may have occurred in the deeper water trough areas of South China towards the end of the Givetian,platformal areas experienced uplifting at various degrees,especially in the central and northern regions of Hunan where Early Frasnian deposits were apparently absent in many places.Similarly,the end-Frasnian regression led to exposure of many places and absence
XuePing MaPu Zong
Archaeopteris halliana from the Late Devonian(Famennian)of Anhui Province,China被引量:3
New materials from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) Wutong Formation of Chizhou District, Anhui Province, South China, allow description of fertile and sterile characters of Archaeopteris halliana. This plant has penultimate axes attached by sterile leaves and paired ultimate branches in the same ontogenetic spiral. Sterile leaves are narrowly cuneate in shape and bear distal margins dissected deeply. These leaves are spirally arranged on sterile ultimate axes. Non-laminated sporophylls occur spirally on the ultimate axes and bifurcate once or twice. Elongate sporangia with longitudinal dehiscence are borne adaxially below or above the dividing points of the sporophylls. Despite the leaf shape resembling that of Archaeopteris macilenta, our plant is assigned to A. halliana because of its non-laminated sporophylls. Fertile characters should be given priority or enough consideration in identifying species of Archaeopteris.
GUO Yun WANG Deming
Hamatophyton from the Late Devonian of Anhui Province,South China and Evolution of Sphenophyllales被引量:5
Well-preserved specimens of Hamatophyton verticillatum collected from the Upper Devonian (Famennian) Wutong Formation of Chaohu district, Anhui Province, South China, display more complete fertile axes in three orders and multiple divisions. Comparisons indicate that Hamatophyton possibly does not have palmate planate sterile leaves but hook-like linear ones with rare divisions. We propose seven definitive characters of Sphenophyllales: (1) completely whorled lateral organs; (2) sterile leaves; (3) strobili; (4) "sporangiophores" or stalks with reflexed tips bearing sporangia; (5) three- or four-ribbed primary xylem; (6) exarch maturation of primary xylem; and (7) secondary xylem. The Sphenophyllales probably originated from the Iridopteridales based on similarities in whorled lateral organs, ribbed primary xylem and peripheral protoxylem strands. In transition from Iridopteridales to Sphenophyllales, morphological changes involve partially whorled to completely whorled lateral organs, sterile ultimate appendages to leaves, and fertile ultimate appendages to "sporangiophores"/stalks with bracts; anatomical modifications include configuration and maturation of primary xylem, and presence of secondary xylem.
WANG Deming GUO Yun
Two Zosterophyll Plants from the Lower Devonian(Lochkovian)Xitun Formation of Northeastern Yunnan,China被引量:7
Two zosterophyll plants are described from the Lower Devonian (Lochkovian) Xitun Formation of Qujing, Yunnan, China. Xitunia spinitheca gen. et sp. nov. has stalked sporangia laterally attached on the axis in a helical arrangement. Sporangia are dorsoventrally flattened and composed of two unequal valves; the adaxial valve is round in face view, while the abaxial valve is larger than the former, triangular or wedge-shaped, and radially bears long spiny appendages along the distal margin. Xitunia shows new variation of sporangial morphology within the zosterophylls. Zosterophyllum minorstachyum sp. nov. has K-shaped branchings at the basal parts and small-sized terminal spikes, which consist of round to elliptical sporangia arranged helically. This paper provides new data on the diversity of plant types during Lochkovian when rare vascular plants were reported. As for various species of Zosterophyllum in South China, their apparent evolutionary trend of features from the Late Silurian to Early Devonian (Emsian) is discussed.
XUE Jinzhuang
A Middle-Upper Devonian Boundary Section in the Open Platform,Platform Margin Facies of Guilin,South China被引量:7
The Caiziyan Middle and Upper Devonian boundary section is located approximately 30 km northeast of Guilin. It hosts relatively abundant benthic and common-rare pelagic fossils, including brachiopods, corals, tentaculites, and conodonts, which may serve as a better suitable section for pelagic and neritic stratigraphic correlation. In this section, 10 "standard" conodont zones are recognized across the Givetian-Frasnian boundary, including, in descending order, the Lower hassi Zone, punctata Zone, transitans Zone, the Upperfalsiovalis Zone, the Lowerfalsiovalis Zone, disparilis Zone, the Upper hermanni-cristatus Zone, the Lower hermanni-cristatus Zone, the Upper varcus Zone, and the Middle varcus Zone, all of which are defined by the first occurrence of their defining conodont species. The Middle-Upper Devonian (Givetian-Frasnian) boundary is defined by the first occurrence of Ancyrodella pristina in accordance with the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP), which is assigned at 6.2m above the base of bed 19 in the Caiziyan section.
LI HuaMA XuepingWEI Longming
系统描述采自新疆和布克赛尔蒙古自治县和什托洛盖镇附近上泥盆统—下石炭统的3个剖面(布龙果尔剖面、布克河剖面和俄姆哈剖面)上的石燕贝类,总计6属7种:Austrospirifer?sp.,Spirifer ga peevi Simorin,Unispirifer persianum Brice,Syringothyris texti formis F M Zhang,Syringothyris hannibalensis(Swallow),Histosyrinx sp.及Tylothyris sp.,其中,Austrospirifer?sp.,Syringothyris hannibalensis(Swallow)及Histosyrinx sp.产自法门阶上部;其余属种产自上泥盆统—下石炭统。S.textiformis及S.hannibalensis的腹壳内部结构以具有发育的管孔及缺失中隔板为主要特征,不同的是前者腹壳后部次生加厚强烈、管孔长度较大。文中早石炭世的腕足类数量相对较少,难以对泥盆-石炭纪界限上下的石燕贝类面貌进行比较,暂将西准噶尔地区晚泥盆世—早石炭世的石燕贝类(不含弓石燕类)的腕足动物一并称为Syringothyris-Spirifer动物群,在组成上与哈萨克斯坦、俄罗斯库兹涅茨盆地、莫斯科盆地及北美同期的化石组合较为相似,与华南有较大差异。
新疆西准噶尔沙尔布尔提山地区泥盆系—下石炭统发育良好,各门类海相生物化石众多,尤以腕足类化石最为丰富。根据对采自该地区3个剖面(布龙果尔剖面、和布克河剖面、俄姆哈剖面)上腕足类的详细研究,系统描述长身贝类4属4种,无窗贝类2属3种,穿孔贝类2属2种,穿孔贝类(Dielasma cf.D.? utah(Hall and Whitfield),Cranaena cf. hannibalensis Moore)为该地区首次报道。除无窗贝类Cleiothyridina cf. kusbassica Besnossova在俄姆哈剖面可延续进入下石炭统之外,其余属种皆产自上泥盆统。上述腕足动物属于Syringothy-ris-Spirifer动物群的重要分子,时代为晚泥盆世—早石炭世,大致对应于牙形石中praesulcata带至sandbergi带(法门最晚期—早石炭世)。上述腕足动物群在组成上与北美、乌拉尔地区及库兹涅茨盆地的化石组合较为相似。
Earliest record of megaphylls and leafy structures, and their initial diversification被引量:3
Evolutionary changes in the structure of leaves have had far-reaching effects on the anatomy and physiology of vascular plants, resulting in morphological diversity and species expansion. People have long been interested in the question of the nature of the morphology of early leaves and how they were attained. At least five lineages of euphyllophytes can be recognized among the Early Devonian fossil plants (Pragian age, ca. 410 Ma ago) of South China. Their different leaf precursors or "branch-leaf complexes" are believed to foreshadow true megaphylls with different venation patterns and configurations, indicating that multiple origins of megaphylls had occurred by the Early Devonian, much earlier than has previously been recognized. In addition to megaphylls in euphyllophytes, the laminate leaf-like appendages (sporophylls or bracts) occurred independently in several distantly related Early Devonian plant lineages, probably as a response to ecological factors such as high atmospheric CO 2 concentrations. This is a typical example of convergent evolution in early plants.
HAO ShouGangXUE JinZhuang