The formation strength plateau of ceramics is addressed. A set of of 99A1203 are conducted, mechanism of the residual subjected to thermal shock thermal shock experiments where the thin specimens of 1 mm× 10 mm×50 mm exhibit parallel through edge cracks, and thus permit quantitative measurements of the crack patterns. The cracks evolve with the severity of ther- mal shock. It is found that there is a correlation between the length and density of the thermal shock cracks. The increase of crack length weakens the residual strength, whereas the increase of crack density improves it. In a considerably wide temperature range, the two contrary effects just counteract each other; consequently a plateau appears in the variation curve of the residual strength. A comparison between the numerical and experimental results of the residual strength is made, and they are found in good agreement. This work is helpful to a deep understanding of the thermal shock failure of ceramics.