乳腺是对辐射致癌最敏感的器官之一,2007年国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)将乳腺的组织权重因子由0.05提升为0.12,使乳腺剂量的准确评估变得更为重要。本文利用数学建模方法建立了精细乳房模型,包括输乳窦、输乳管、小叶和脂肪组织,模型体素化后与中国成年女性参考人体素模型进行了融合。利用该模型计算了光子AP照射时乳腺腺体的剂量转换系数,并与原来模型的计算结果进行对比。结果显示,光子能量较低时两个模型的计算结果相差30%,光子能量在0.03 Me V以上时差别不大。
An ionizing radiation hazard produced from the interaction between high intensity lasers and solid targets has been observed. Laser-plasma interactions create “hot” electrons, which generate bremsstrahlung X-rays when they interact with ions in the target. However, up to now only limited studies have been conducted on this laser-induced radiological protection issue. In this paper, the physical process and characteristics of the interaction between high intensity lasers and solid targets are analyzed. The parameters of the radiation sources are discussed,including the energy conversion efficiency from laser to hot electrons, hot electron energy spectrum and electron temperature, and the bremsstrahlung X-ray energy spectrum produced by hot electrons. Based on this information,the X-ray dose generated with high-Z targets for laser intensities between 10^14 and 10^20W/cm^2 is estimated. The shielding effects of common shielding items such as the glass view port, aluminum chamber wall and concrete wall are also studied using the FLUKA Monte Carlo code. This study provides a reference for the dose estimation and the shielding design of high intensity laser facilities.