The ocean surface currents are reconstructed from the satellite remote sensing data containing altimeter-derived sea surface height and QuikSCAT satellite-derived wind data. Based on the method proposed by Lagerloef, a global weekly 0.5°×0.5°ocean surface current product was obtained over the period 2000 - 2008 by combining the geostrophic currents estimated from sea surface height with Ekman current estimated from the wind stress. Particularly, weight functions were introduced when calculating the Ekman currents to eliminate the discontinuity near 25°S and 25°N. These satellite-derived currents have been compared with TAO current meter and the SCUD product, respectively. The comparison showed that satellite-derived currents not only could capture the characteristics of ocean surface currents but also had high accuracy and reliability. The result showed that this innovatory method was effective.
利用Argo网格化数据分析日本以南小范围海区内的温跃层时空特征,其主跃层和季节性跃层的双跃层结构明显。依此利用UMPE(University of Miami Parabolic Equation)抛物方程模型分析与仿真深海温跃层及其季节变化对水声场的影响。分析发现:相似系数为1的两个声速剖面的传播损失几乎完全相同;夏季声源较浅时,会在以声源为中心小直径圆形区域内形成声影区;声源深度相对于跃层越大,跃层对水声场的影响越小;高频较低频受跃层影响更大。