To get features of rare earth elements (REEs) fractionation, 106 surface sediment samples from eastern South China Sea were determined for REEs combined with major and trace elements by ICP-MS. The distribution pattern of REEs, strong correlation between REEs and Al, North American shale composite (NASC) normalization all suggest a dominant crustal source for REEs in the research area. However distinct fractionation among REEs was observed in surface sediment from area with water depth over 2000 m, confirmed by the strong positive correlation among light rare earth elements (LREEs) and among heavy rare earth elements (HREEs) but weaker relationship between LREEs and HREEs. Eluviation by Cl- might be a key role on the fiactionation of REEs, comparing with factors such as grain size, co-precipitation with Fe and Mn hydroxide, calcareous and siliceous biogenic precipitation. The fractionation among REEs could be used as index to illustrate the sedimentary environment in reverse.
河口近海海域的海表温度分布特征对于深入理解海洋热力、动力过程及海气相互作用等自然过程及综合效应具有重要意义。卫星数据重构是精确获取动态大面积海表温度数据的重要手段,采用非线性系统的动态模态分解(dynamic mode decomposition,DMD)数据分析方法,利用2003年1月至2016年7月的MODIS\SST数据,经剔除异常数据、填补空白数据后,重构了2016年8月至2019年12月长江口海洋表面温度数据,并评估了重构效果。研究结果表明,在时序数据充足的情况下,DMD算法能很好地解决动态系统的采样问题。DMD结合正交三角(orthogonal right triangular,QR)分解算法能有效重构长江口的海表温度数据,平均均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE)为0.0076。进一步分析发现,无论是DMD算法还是DMD结合QR分解算法,还原结果精度都较高。
基于我国首颗民用亚米级GF-2卫星遥感影像,以宁海县部分建成区水体为研究对象,根据基于典型遥感水质指标的识别法、基于反射率光谱指数BOI(Black and Odorous Water Index)的黑臭水体识别模型、NDBWI指数来开展疑似黑臭水体的遥感监控,对3种模型信息提取结果进行对比分析,并结合目视解译综合识别疑似黑臭水体。对监测结果的实地踏勘验证表明,宁海县建成区水环境质量总体良好,但仍有不少水域呈现较差的感官表现,存在色浊、味臭等问题。NDBWI指数和BOI指数模型均是直接利用黑臭水体的光谱特征放大差异并设定阈值进行计算,具有较好的水体类型分类效果,结合相关水体特征信息的目视解译可以获得更加精准的水体质量信息。遥感作为黑臭水体的预筛查手段,具有良好的应用效果。