2009—2010年期间,利用雨量计收集法在长白山森林生态系统定位站开展定位观测,分析降水中氮素浓度,研究了该区域大气氮素湿沉降通量和组成的季节变化特征。结果表明,各形态氮素月均浓度之间差别较大,具有明显的季节性;其降水中浓度主要受降水量和降水频次的影响。全年氮素湿沉降中TN、TIN和TON的沉降量分别为27.64 kg N hm-2a-1、11.05 kg N hm-2a-1和16.59 kg N hm-2a-1,TON为沉降主体,占60.02%;其大气氮沉降量主要由降水量和降水中氮素浓度共同决定。该地区氮湿沉降量已处于我国中等水平,考虑到氮素的干湿沉降比例,本区域的年氮沉降量已接近或超过本区域的营养氮沉降临界负荷,存在一定的环境风险。该地区生长季(5—10月)的氮沉降量(16.59 kg N hm-2a-1)占全年氮沉降量的比例达到73.20%。生长季的氮沉降对于促进植物生长直接生态意义重大,而非生长季的氮沉降对于大量补充次年植物生长初期所需养分的间接生态意义明显。
Land use changes are known to alter soil organic carbon (SOC) and microbial properties, however, information about how conversion of natural forest to agricultural land use as well as plantations affects SOC and microbial properties in the Changbai Moun- tains of Northeast China is meager. Soil carbon content, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), basal respiration and soil carbon mineraliza- tion were studied in five selected types of land use: natural old-growth broad-leaved Korean pine mixed forest (NF); spruce plantation (SP) established following clear-cutting of NF; cropland (CL); ginseng farmland (GF) previously under NF; and a five-year Mongolian oak young forest (YF) reforested on an abandoned GF, in the Changbai Mountains of Northeast China in 2011. Results showed that SOC content was significantly lower in SP, CL, GF, and YF than in NF. MBC ranged from 304.4 mg/kg in CL to 1350.3 mg/kg in NF, which was significantly higher in the soil of NF than any soil of the other four land use types. The SOC and MBC contents were higher in SP soil than in CL, GF, and YF soils, yielding a significant difference between SP and CL. The value of basal respiration was also higher in NF than in SP, CL, GF, and YF. Simultaneously, higher values of the metabolic quotient were detected in CL, GF, and YF soils, indicat- ing low substrate utilization of the soil microbial community compared with that in NF and SP soil. The values of cumulative mineral- ized carbon and potentially mineralized carbon (Co) in NF were significantly higher than those in CL and GF, while no significant dif- ference was observed between NF and SP. In addition, YF had higher values of Co and C mineralization rate compared with GF. The results indicate that conversion from NF into agricultural land (CL and GF) uses and plantation may lead to a reduction in soil nutrients (SOC and MBC) and substrate utilization efficiency of the microbial community. By contrast, soils below SP were more conducive to the preservation