Predictions on the ripple loss of neutral beam fast ions on EAST are investigated with a guiding center code, including both ripple and collisional effects. A 6% to 16% loss of neutral beam ions is predicted for typical EAST experiments, and a synergistic enhancement of fast ion loss is found for toroidal field (TF) ripples with collisions. The lost ions are strongly localized and will cause a maximum heat load of - 0.05 MW/m^2 on the first wall.
The NBI (Neutral Beam Inject) system of EAST has two deuterium beam lines, in which beam power is 4 MW and energy is 80 keV. To study the neutral beam shinethrough power loss, the physics processes of neutral beam attenuation in plasma are described and simulated by the code ONETWO/NUBEAM. The simulated input plasma parameter forms are tested through curve fitting of measured shinethrough in DIII-D. The power density distribution of shinethrough is obtained by analytical governing expression. The surface temperature rise testing for a copper target is also discussed.