A 29-year-old farmer from central China was sent into the Emergency Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University.He had a 15-day history of persistent high fever,abdominal distention and pain.The patient was clinically diagnosed as appendicitis and peritonitis,and treated with antibiotics in a local hospital,did not improve.On exploratory laparotomy,the appendicular perforation and peritonitis were seen;appendicectomy were performed,and antibiotics were given.However,high fever and abdominal pain still persisted;intestinal adhesion and obstruction,ascites appeared.He was given the“critically ill notice”.He had eosinophilia(12.95%)and the history of eating live frog tadpoles for treating his cutaneous pruritus 3 days before onset of the disease.Serum anti-sparganum antibodies assayed by ELISA were positive.This patient has hospitalized for one and half months and spend more than US$12000.This patient was primarily diagnosed as visceral sparganosis,and cured with praziquantel.Sparganosis is one neglected but important parasitic zoonosis of poverty.Human infections were mainly acquired by eating raw or uncooked meat of frogs and snakes infected with plerocercoids,using frog or snake flesh as poultices,or drinking raw water contaminated with infected copepods.However,sparganosis caused by ingestion of live tadpoles are emerging in central China.Our surveys showed that 11.93%of tadpoles in Henan province are infected with plerocercoids.Eating live tadpoles is a high risk for sparganum infection.The comprehensive public health education should be carried out for people in endemic areas and the bad habit of eating live tadpoles must be discouraged.