UPF0497(Uncharacteristic protein family 0497)是一个功能未知的膜蛋白家族,近期研究表明,该家族5个成员与拟南芥凯氏带的形成有关。研究对UPF0497家族成员启动子序列进行分析,发现该家族两个成员(At2g39530和At2g03700)启动子序列中具有DRE顺式作用元件,推测该蛋白家族成员可能参与植物非生物胁迫应答。选取At2g39530基因进行研究,结果表明At2g39530是一种根增强性表达并且存在于细胞核与细胞质中的蛋白,以ABA非依赖途径对非生物胁迫产生响应。这一结果为研究UPF0497家族在非生物胁迫中的作用提供参考。
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a group of regulatory RNAs that regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally by the degradation or translational inhibition of their target messenger RNAs (mRNAs). Regulation is accomplished when the 22-25 nucleotide miRNAs bind to complementary sequences in the 3'-untranslated regions (UTR). One barrier to miRNA research is to find target genes. Although computational target predictions have shed light on important aspects of microRNA target recognition, questions remain concerning the rates of false positives. In addition, we do not completely understand how microRNAs can recognize and regulate their targets. As such, experimental positive predictions and allow for an unbiased stu ap dy proaches are required, which can reflect in vivo processes, eliminating false of microRNA target recognition. In this review, we summarized experimental approaches that have been described for the identification and validation of mRNA targets associated with specific miRNAs.
Luo XiaoBai XiCai HuaJi WeiLiu XinTang Li-liZhu Yan-ming