This paper proposes a new approach for variable selection in partially linear errors-in-variables (EV) models for longitudinal data by penalizing appropriate estimating functions. We apply the SCAD penalty to simultaneously select significant variables and estimate unknown parameters. The rate of convergence and the asymptotic normality of the resulting estimators are established. Furthermore, with proper choice of regularization parameters, we show that the proposed estimators perform as well as the oracle procedure. A new algorithm is proposed for solving penalized estimating equation. The asymptotic results are augmented by a simulation study.
Empirical-likelihood-based inference for the parameters in a partially linear single-index model with randomly censored data is investigated. We introduce an estimated empirical likelihood for the parameters using a synthetic data approach and show that its limiting distribution is a mixture of central chi-squared distribution. To attack this difficulty we propose an adjusted empirical likelihood to achieve the standard X2-1imit. Furthermore, since the index is of norm 1, we use this constraint to reduce the dimension of parameters, which increases the accuracy of the confidence regions. A simulation study is carried out to compare its finite-sample properties with the existing method. An application to a real data set is illustrated.