We investigate the Entanglement Sudden Birth (ESB) of two Heisenberg spins A and B. The third controller, qutrit C is introduced, which only has the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) spin-orbit interaction with qubit B. We find that the DM interaction is necessary to induce the Entanglement Sudden Birth of the system qubits A and B, and the initial states of the system qubits and the qurit C are also important to control its Entanglement Sudden Birth.
This paper studies the entanglement dynamics of the system S composed of two non-interactional qubits A and B. The third qubit C is its environment, E, which only interacts with the S qubit B by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya spin-orbit coupling. Considering the following states as the whole (S+E): the initially S-E correlated state and the separable one, the entanglement of S has no sudden death for the former case. This result sheds some light on the control of quantum entanglement, which will be helpful for quantum information processing.
The effect of decoherence on the phase transition of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a symmetric double-well potential is determined by the mean atom number difference. It still has two phases, the tunneling phase and the self-trapping phase, even under decoherence. The density matrix and the operator fidelity also show very different behaviors in the two phases. This suggests that operator fidelity can be used to characterize the phase transition of this Bose-Einstein condensate model, even under decoherence.
We have derived a formula for the neutron radiative capture cross section in the framework of a statistical model approach to nuclear reactions. Based on this formula, new systematics are established between the (n, y) reaction cross section and the energy level density of a compound nucleus or a relative neutron excess of an even-even target nucleus for neutron incident energy above the resonance region to MeV. Good agreement with experimental data suggests that this new systematical law is helpful to nalyze the experimental data.