High-spin states in 84 Rb have been studied by using the 70Zn(18O, p3n)84Rb reaction at beam energy of 75MeV. Three regular magnetic dipole bands including strong M1 and weak E2 transitions have been observed in this nucleus which shows the characteristic feature of magnetic rotation. These bands are interpreted in the projected shell model for the first time on the basis of the four-quasiparticle configuration of the type π(fp)π(g29/2)v(g9/2). It is shown that the calculated sequence lies roughly in the same energy range as the experimental one but the interval between neighboring levels is larger than the corresponding experimental value. We believe that a 4-quasiparticle band crossing with the 2-quasiparticle band will depress the energies of the states.
The School of Nuclear Engineering and Technology at the East China Institute of Technology cooperated with the China Institute of Atomic Energy to investigate the high spin states of 84Sr. The study is reported in Volume 53 (October, 2010) of the SCIENCE